from Fear of being lost Writing and thinking” presupposes the use of the eyes.
- think in writing things are to be fixed so that the thought is not lost from the edge of thinking. This facilitates thinking by reducing the burden of having to remember But this is a system that assumes both the eye and the brain are functioning It is a great possibility in life that the eyes will cease to operate even when the brain is operating For example, loss of vision due to an accident.
- People with intermediate visual impairment from age 41 and older account for half of all visually impaired people.
Therefore, it is beneficial to practice daily in case such a situation should arise. This is the same as doing [disaster drill once a year
- Based on the principle of [well prepared means no worries (in time of need) Normal but sometimes eyestrain worsens and I get tired of using my eyes I still think the ease of eye fatigue goes up with age.
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